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Year Of Experience We Just Achived

Our Story
Green Pastures Care ltd

Green Pastures Care ltd was founded by Julie Okafor, a registered nurse by background with more than 24 years of experience of working in the acute settings as a ward manager, managing care homes and managing Clinical Teams in the community as a Palliative care nurse. Julie is on a mission to expand the care business portfolio and has merged and acquired care homes across the UK though these have maintained their original names, management and staff. The business has seen significant growth by empowering our clients with strong support networks and providing them opportunities to take control by offering choices for the care and support they receive.

Our service offers individuals we support the opportunity to achieve a greater level of independence through on hand support, further developing the skills required to build confidence. Our service focus on maximizing people’s independence, however limited their skills may be. Our care model focuses on clients’ strengths and promoting what they can do. We want people we support to be actively engaged in all aspects of their life, both within and outside of their home. To facilitate this, Green Pastures Care Limited has embraced person-centred active support as the way in which our staff support people. In particular, we have adopted the concept “every moment has potential” to encourage our staff to take every opportunity, however small, to involve people in everyday activities. Our clients have personalized care plans in which their independence and choice is promoted by encouraging them to be active rather than passive recipients of care.